Dental implants can range from one tooth, a crown, to many teeth, such as bridges or dentures. Replacement teeth look like real teeth and are common fixes for avoiding an embarrassing gap. More than that, implants are important for your overall oral hygiene. Tooth loss is often caused by tooth decay, gum disease, failure during root canals, mouth trauma, or accidents.
Loss of teeth can not only be embarrassing, but can make it difficult to eat or even talk. Without dental implants, your teeth will naturally move to try to fill in the gap. This movement can create deep pockets in the gums and make it difficult to keep up with proper oral hygiene.
Not properly caring for your dental implants is just as dangerous for your mouth. Improper care of your implants may lead to losing them, and there is no guarantee that you’ll be able to get another replacement in that spot. Bacteria build up in the mouth can cause mucositis, or inflammation of the gums.
Any untreated problems with implants can lead to a serious oral disease, like periodontitis (gum disease) or peri-implantitis (inflammation around the implant). Both diseases lead to jawbone break down. Once the jawbone breaks down, the implant may loosen and fall out.
With good oral hygiene, dental implants can be a great and safe way to fix any missing teeth. Regular check-ups with your dentist or oral surgeon can help keep crowns or bridges healthy and looking natural.
Call 919-488-2194 or contact Davis Oral Surgery for more information on dental implants in Raleigh. Our oral surgeons will be happy to set up a consultation with you.