In most cases, oral surgery produces a minimum level of discomfort; however, there are a handful of instances when an oral surgical procedure may involve a small period of pain. To help ease your discomfort and accelerate your recovery time, read below for a few helpful suggestions.
Before Surgery
To minimize any pain, Dr. Davis recommends taking good care of yourself 2-3 days leading up to surgery – eat well, drink lots of water, and rest up. The 24 hours before your scheduled surgery, avoid any type of strenuous exercise. If you are receiving general anesthesia, please do not eat or drink anything at least 6 hours prior to your appointment.
We advise you to take any prescribed medication on schedule with a sip of water. However, do not take any narcotic pain medication before your surgery because it could cause you to feel nauseous when combined with general anesthesia.
Day of Surgery
Check with your general doctor and ask if they advise you against taking any type of medication the day of your oral surgery. Some over-the-counter drugs, like blood thinner, could cause unnecessary pain or discomfort after your oral surgery.
When your oral surgery is completed, plan to take it easy and rest for the next 24 hours. If you lie down, make sure to keep your head elevated so you can reduce pain and pressure in the affected area. Utilize ice packs to reduce swelling and pain. Don’t brush your teeth or rinse harshly. We do advise you to gently swish with warm saltwater – the saltwater will help keep your incisions clean and free from infection.
General Tips for Minimizing Pain
Generally you should avoid lifting, straining, or strenuously exercising several days after your surgery. Eat soft foods, but try to maintain a healthy diet that is rich in vitamins A and C. Make sure to drink lots of fluids, and refrain from using a straw for 48-72 hours following your surgery. Drinking from a straw could possible dislodge your clots and could put you at risk for developing dry sockets. Make sure you also abstain from consuming alcohol or nicotine several days post oral surgery. Take any pain medication that is given to you as prescribed. In most cases, over-the-counter analgesics can also be taken to help with any discomfort. You can read more about our pre and post-surgery care instructions here.
If you experience any type of complications or extreme pain, please call us immediately at 919-488-2194. At Davis Oral Surgery we want to make sure you are as comfortable as possible before and after any oral surgical procedure. If you have any questions regarding oral surgery, fill out our contact form!